商品名Simple Deluxe Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer with Humidity Probe for Egg Incubator/Reptile TankIndoor/Outdoor Data Display Easy to Read, 2-Packブランド:Simple Deluxe商品サイズ:2-Pack高さ:5.5 cm横幅:6.9 cm奥行:9.9 cm 商品番号:Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer with色:2-pack素材:
商品名Simple Deluxe Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer with Humidity Probe for Egg Incubator/Reptile TankIndoor/Outdoor Data Display Easy to Read, 2-Packブランド:Simple Deluxe商品サイズ:2-Pack高さ:5.5 cm横幅:6.9 cm奥行:9.9 cm 商品番号:Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer with色:2-pack素材: