商品名 | Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Begins, Cooperative Fantasy Board Game, Fast Entry to The World of D&D, Family Game for 2-4 Players, 10 and Up |
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商品コメント | QUICK ENTRY TO DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Step into the exciting world of D&D with the Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Begins board game. Designed for 2-4 players, ages 10 and upCOOPERATIVE FANTASY GAME: This fantasy board game is a portal to the monsters, magic, and heroes of Dungeons & Dragons. Players work together as they journey through the lands of NeverwinterQUICK GAMEPLAY: Players can choose and customize their heroes, battle iconic D&D monsters, and experience a new adventure every time. So, step forward, brave heroes; adventure awaitsCHOOSE A JOURNEY FOR YOUR PARTY: Choose a journey and which Boss your party of heroes will fight in the end. Choose from Felbris (Beholder), Orn (Fire Giant), Deathsleep (Green Dragon) and The KrakenD&D MINIATURE FIGURES: The game includes 4 plastic mini figures that correspond with the heroes featured in gameplay |
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